Or ball band madness, more specifically. Got these done between last Friday & today (you can see the blue & green in the upper right hand corner needs to have the ends woven in)
I'm starting a purple & yellow one tonight & going onto a purple kick.
Less than 1 week until the wiggly one starts school---Ack!!!
Wow, you are really going to town on those. I have seen some ideas for bath scrubbies and washclothes that I am debating making. Looking at these have encouraged me even more to try. Nice work on yours!
Hey there lauriec!
Go ahead send some Peach Pie - I'll send you some Taylor Ham and decent pizza!
Trek---just send me snow & we'll call it even! I miss having 4 real seasons!
Tracey---got your email this am---TY!!!
Kish--they're beyond simple--I can get one of these done in 2 hours! They're great little gift items to have on hand!
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