Tuesday, November 04, 2008

I voted

Did you?

The Wee One & I got to our polling location shortly past 10 (she was watching Dora Saves the Snow Princess on tivo) & were out before 11.

This was the 6th Presidential election I've voted in. I know she gets bored hearing it but I always tell her that when my Memere & Grammy were born, women didn't have the right to vote & that it's one of our most imporant rights as citizens of the US.

The stinky part of the experience? No stickers!!! What gives?


Unknown said...

I didn't get a sticker either. But I did enjoy voting this morning.

Dorothy said...

I was bummed not to get a sticker too!

Cathy said...

No stickers for Mail in voters, either. But..I Voted, too!

Holly S. said...

Yeah, I missed my sticker! What's up at Waddell?! My coworkers all had stickers last night, but NOT ME.

It's was a treat to get to meet Wee One there. She looked a little overwhelmed by it all.

jopal said...

We had stickers here in CT. I worked the polls and actually handed them out for awhile - told all the voters I gave a sticker to that if they went to Starbucks they would get a free coffee!
Very interesting experience! 515am to 830pm! Long day but it felt great to be part of such a historic election. So many voters! Great to see so many people exercise their right to vote.