We had a wonderful time in Destin despite Tropical Depression "Ten" threatening the area early in our vacation!
As you can see, the Wee One had a good time! They wound up closing the water on Saturday & Sunday due to strong currents but she wasn't upset in the least----more time to play in the sand! I was sore Saturday night from jumping waves & being hit by them! Haven't felt that way since I lived in Boston & used to swim at Nahant Beach!
We're enjoying our time together as a family & I'll blog more later! On the knitting front---the Yoda sweater for BIL & SIL's baby is just about 3/4th done. I have the back & sleeves finished & am 1/2 way thru w/ the left front. I'm trying to decide whether to do buttons/button holes or whether I'll stick to the pattern & use ties.
My bag for the Fall Bag Exchange is about 3/4 done as well. I was working on it in the car on the way down to FL only to discover that the yarn I had wound that morning was still on the kitchen counter! Grrrrrrrrrrrr.
So glad your all having such a great time! Wee one looks content in the sand, but the pic behind her is very inviting, despite the coming storm :)
enjoy your time away!
Welcome back girly girl! Enjoy your time...we here in Southern California are enjoying Houses on the Freeway...
Only in LA....oy!
Love the clean beaches down in FL...CA could take a lesson.
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